US President Richard Nixon’s 1971 decision to end the US dollar’s convertibility into gold had such far-reaching consequences that it took policymakers decades to learn to manage the new system. Now, digital technologies are driving a new monetary revolution that could end the greenback’s global primacy altogether.
We are approaching the 50th anniversary of the so-called Nixon Shock, one the most decisive ruptures in monetary history. On August 15, 1971, US President Richard Nixon announced in a televised address that he was “closing the gold window.” By ending the dollar’s convertibility into gold (at an official rate of $35 per ounce), Nixon severed the millennia-long link between money and precious metals.
This epochal event has uncanny resonances today. For example, just as Nixon was struggling to extricate the United States from its long, costly, and unwinnable war in Vietnam, US President Joe Biden has now ended America’s long, costly, and unwinnable intervention in Afghanistan.
Similarly, Nixon used his address to announce a policy program with goals similar to those being pursued by the Biden administration. “We must create more and better jobs,” he said, “we must stop the rise in the cost of living; we must protect the dollar from the attacks of international money speculators.”
Biden is aiming for a fundamental social transformation. Creating jobs is a vital part of eliminating persistent inequalities. And, owing to the dollar’s unique position as the world’s main reserve currency, the US can pursue both fiscal and monetary stimulus on a scale unprecedented in peacetime.
Despite Nixon’s decision, which inaugurated a new non-system and created decades of turbulence in currency markets, the dollar never lost its position atop the international monetary system. While the fixed-currency regime that had been launched at the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference broke down, private financial markets’ power to generate money – US dollars – made the greenback even more central. Financial institutions, corporations, and governments around the world still depended on dollar funding.
But for how much longer will this be true? Can America’s unique advantages endure at a time when its relative share in the world economy has shrunk, new economic powers are rising, the international order has become fragile, and domestic US politics is tending toward global disengagement? In fact, both of America’s traditional advantages are already under threat. Enormous advances in automatic translation in recent years mean that people around the world can now rely on artificial intelligence, rather than English.
New technologies also pose risks to the dollar, the lingua franca of exchange. Some dangers are already visible in the Treasury market, where there have been liquidity strains (in 2020) and a weakening of foreign demand.
The dollar’s long preeminence is being challenged, not so much by other currencies (though both the euro and the renminbi may aspire to the throne) as by new methods of speaking the same cross-border monetary language as the dollar. As the digital revolution accelerates, the national era in money is drawing to a close.
One consequence of the new technological capabilities is a potential weakening of the historical link between monetary stability and fiscal management.
Central banks have rolled out massive long-term stimulus programs in response to the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, raising the risk of inflation and pushing money flows into alternative asset classes. At the same time, the demand for a monetary revolution is growing.
That revolution will be driven by digital technologies that enable not only new forms of government-issued fiat currencies (like the renminbi and the euro) but also private currencies generated in innovative ways, such as through distributed ledgers.
This development is as important as the break with specie currency. The world is quickly moving to money based on information rather than on the credibility of a particular government.
New money therefore may be ending the long period of dollar hegemony. Moreover, the COVID-19 crisis has hastened this development by ushering in a more digital version of globalization, featuring a greater exchange of data but less movement of people and goods.