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Before you jump to conclusions about someone, stop, sit down & make a list of his best qualities

Before you jump to conclusions about someone, stop, sit down & make a list of person's best qualities

When Aditya Birla was in charge of Hindalco, one of his senior executives made a blunder that costed the company over Rs.10 Crores.

Several top executives thought Aditya Birla would come down heavily on this guy and probably fire him from job. But he didn't.

Before he called the man in, he sat down, took a notepad and wrote across the top of it: 'Points in favor of this man'.

Then he listed the man's strengths, including how he'd once helped the company make the right decision and earn them millions of dollars.

One of the senior executives who witnessed this AB's philosophy, later said, 'Whenever I am tempted to rip into someone, I force myself to sit down and compile a list of the good qualities they have. By the time I have finished, I have the right perspective.

And best of all, my anger is under control.

I can't tell you how many times this habit has prevented me from committing one of life's costliest mistakes-losing my temper.

I recommend it to anyone who deals with people regularly.

So before you jump to conclusions about someone, stop, sit down & make a list of person's best qualities.

If you do you may come to a different conclusion one thing is for sure, you'll approach the person with the right attitude and may be won't say things you'll later regret.

Jumping to conclusions is a psychological term referring to a communication obstacle where one "judge[s] or decide[s] something without having all the facts; to reach unwarranted conclusions". In other words, "when I fail to distinguish between what I observed first hand from what I have only inferred or assumed". Because it involves making decisions without having enough information to be sure that one is right, this can give rise to poor or rash decisions that often cause more harm to something than good.

While we all "jump to conclusions" in a sense by making inferences and assumptions based on the information we have available, and quite often a job requires that one acts upon educated guesswork, in such cases one is making a calculated risk – they are aware they are basing their decisions on an assumption which has a degree of uncertainty associated with it. Mistakes are much more likely when people are unaware that they have jumped to conclusions, and instead think that their assumptions are actually knowledge.

In order to prevent the wrongful assessment of children, observation is an essential part of an early years worker's job. Multiple observations, of the child reacting in different circumstances, should be carried out to help show a context for certain symptoms and allow then to work out if they are part of a larger issue. Meta-analyses have linked exaggerated jumping to conclusions with the formation of delusions.

People Who Jump to Conclusions Show many Kinds of Thinking Errors

To prejudge is to make a decision about something before you have all the facts. If you prejudge a game, you decide who’s going to win before it starts. Better hold off on the victory party until it’s over. When you judge someone or something, you "form an opinion or a conclusion" about it. Adding the "before" prefix pre- to that means you come to this conclusion before you should. If an actual judge in a court of law were to prejudge her cases, she'd make her decisions before hearing any evidence at all. When you prejudge, you count your chickens before they hatch.

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